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How to talk to people confidently

How To Talk To People Confidently

Jul 11, 2022

I'm often asked how to talk to people confidently, because many people feel like walking up to someone and starting a conversation fearlessly is a challenge. While it can be scary, it's totally possible and easier than you think! Let me show you how to do it.

First off, being able to talk to people with confidence is a skill that isn't just for outgoing people, and you don't have to be the center of attention either. It means you can feel comfortable and confident in any social situation whether you're with a small group, a large group, or even just one person. When you interact with others, remember to be yourself and treat people as you would want to be treated.

When most think about how to talk to people confidently, they often think about what they should say about themselves. Talking about yourself is an important skill, but it's not everything. You'll also need to be able to listen carefully and ask good questions so that when someone talks about themselves, they feel like you're really interested in what they have to say. This can help them loosen up and be more open.

According to Psychology Today you should carry yourself with confidence, be prepared, and speak clearly, but that isn't everything! Here are my favorite tips:

Five Tips On How To Talk To People Confidently

The best way to build your confidence is by practicing—and that means talking with people even when you don't feel very confident at first. If you're not used to talking much, try starting small and gradually working your way up over time – and don't forget to breathe!

Introduce Yourself

When you first meet someone introduce yourself, compliment them on something nice you've noticed about them. Perhaps their eyes, shoes, or the way they speak to others. Be genuine here, don’t compliment unless you mean it otherwise you’ll come across as a kiss-ass.

Remember Their Name

Make note of their name. Repeat it a few times in your head, rhyme it to something, and say it at least three times during your conversation with them. Remembering a person’s name can set you apart from others because a person’s name is their favorite word and most people forget the names of others. You can also try making note of their name with a phonetic spelling (especially if their name is new to you, this way you say it correctly), also include a physical description of them so you can remember who they are – just in case you forget later on. When you cross paths with them again use their name, this will definitely impress them.

Be Curious About Them

Ask questions: Where are they from? Who is their favorite teacher? What movies do they like? Do they play sports? Come up with some interesting questions to ask as openers, and have fun with it. The more you can get them to talk about themselves the more interesting they'll think you are, even if you don't say anything about yourself.

End The Conversation First

Don’t let the conversation drag on or get awkward, be sure to end the conversation first and move on! You’ve got places to go and other people to meet. Be polite and let them know you look forward to chatting with them again soon!

Don't Fake It - Lead by example

Clearly you have confidence to even ask this question and want to know how to make a great first impression. You don’t need to fake it until you make it. Have respect for yourself, your values, and have integrity. If you’re authentic, kind, and friendly you will attract the right people who share the same values. Don’t gossip about others, don't speak ill of people, and remember to have fun. People want to be around the ones having the most fun. Lead by example.


However you decide to meet and greet, do it with kindness, compassion, and an open heart. Everyone has a tale to tell. Everyone wants to be noticed, acknowledged, seen, and heard.

You'll soon see who is excited to see you again and who is not. Gravitate towards the people who share your enthusiasm. Don’t waste time or energy on those who do not, but always treat them with kindness and respect.

Understand that not everyone will like you, and that's okay. Don't worry about them. They won't like you because they have problems with themselves and don't know how to deal with their thoughts or feelings. Spend time with the nice people who are glad to see you. They're worth your time and investment.

Now you know how to talk to people confidently so use this knowledge and go out and practice the above tips on someone new. You've got this!

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