I struggled with self-image and confidence for years.

“What’s wrong with me?”
I spent far too many years asking myself that.
Too many years being bullied as a kid, racially discriminated against, controlled by an overbearing father, and sexually harassed by male and female colleagues. Too many years feeling sad, alone, depressed and worthless.
I doubted every choice I made...

Looking through a different lens, I saw myself in a totally new way...
We overlook our magic and beauty within.
You see, by this point in my life I could speak four languages, cook, sew, dance, install hardwood floors, race cars, snowboard, build websites, and groom dogs.
I had competed in beauty pageants, won scholarships, studied abroad, mentored youth, volunteered, worked as a model, graphic designer, online retailer, an artist, and now I was a damn good photographer!
I was better than enough, I was unfrickingbelieveable!

If I could find my confidence, so can you!
Your personal brand is more than what you do, curated photos, or a fancy message. 👉 It's your inner light, experiences, and your legacy.
In this TEDx talk, I help uncover your confidence, value, and personal branding to expose an authentic and powerful personal arc.

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