the confidence blog

Inspiration for a confident self-image

Jack of All Trades

Dec 29, 2017

I'm Sandy Grigsby, a confidence catalyst, branding portrait photographer, entrepreneur, author, educator, artist, graphic designer and web developer.

Those who know me call me a 'Jack of all Trades' and I'm often asked what it is that I DON'T do. I laugh at that comment because I admit I can do a lot like cook, navigate directions, sew, install hardwood floors, groom a Yorkie, the list of randoms goes on and on...

However, I'm humble enough to openly say that I can't do everything. Surfing - nope, hunting - not my bag, repair a car engine - no way, tap dance - please.

The sad truth is I became good at so much because I had very low self-worth, a lack of confidence, and I always felt like I never fit in. I tried to overcome this by learning how to do so much, being a perfectionist and constantly trying to better myself so I could fit in and be accepted. It really sucked.

Now I show others how to stop the insanity of having low self-worth. I teach people how to be confident in every aspect of their lives. Hey, if I can do it so can you!

my superpower

I help you own your self-image and take charge of your life so you can get noticed, chosen, and paid.

Create a personal brand you can maintain and be yourself without compromise.


get free goodies

Here are my top three tools to help you elevate your image and personal brand.

Your Personal Branding Checklist

It's easy to miss the most obvious things that'll help your personal brand stand out and get you paid – but not with this killer checklist!

How to Look Confident in Photos and Videos

Look like a rockstar instantly! Learn how to pose, look slimmer, be more confident, and come across as more approachable on camera.

5 Easy Ways to Make Your
LinkedIn Profile Irresistible

LinkedIn ranks high on Google, don't miss opportunities because your page sucks. Create a 5 STAR profile and get noticed!


All three tools in one awesome kit!

Promise, no spammy emails, they're annoying and not us.

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